Tổng hợp các Python packages trong thủy văn


Danh sách các packages nguồn mở dùng Python trong thủy văn, khí tượng, ngước ngầm được Raoul Collenteur, NCS tại University of Graz, Austria (Áo) tổng hợp trên trang github cá nhân. Mình lưu lại đây để sử dụng dần.

Link: https://github.com/raoulcollenteur/Python-Hydrology-Tools

Hydrological Models

Project NameDescription
CMFCatchment Modelling Framework, a hydrologic modelling toolbox.
TopoFlowSpatial hydrologic model (D8-based, fully BMI-compliant).
VICThe Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale Hydrologic Model.
XanthosXanthos is an open-source hydrologic model, written in Python, designed to quantify and analyze global water availability.
WRF-Hydrowrfhydrpy is a Python API for the WRF-Hydro modelling system.
EXP-HYDROEXP-HYDRO is a catchment scale hydrological model that operates at a daily time-step. It takes as inputs the daily values of precipitation, air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration, and simulates daily streamflow at the catchment outlet.
RRMPGRainfall-Runoff modelling playground.
LHMPLumped Hydrological Models Playground.
SMARTPyPython implementation of the rainfall-runoff model SMART
PyStreamPython implementation of the STREAM hydrological rainfall-runoff model.
HydrPyA framework for the development and application of hydrological models based on Python.
CatchmodCATCHMOD is widely used rainfall runoff model in the United Kingdom. It was introduced by Wilby (1994).
wflowwflow consists of a set of Python programs that can be run on the command line and perform hydrological simulations. The models are based on the PCRaster Python framework
PyTOPKAPIPyTOPKAPI is a BSD licensed Python library implementing the TOPKAPI Hydrological model (Liu and Todini, 2002).
mhmpyA Python-API for the mesoscale Hydrological Model.
SuperflexPySuperflexPy: A new open source framework for building conceptual hydrological models
NeuralHydrologyPython library to train neural networks with a strong focus on hydrological applications.

Meteorological tools

Project NameDescription
MetPyMetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
PyEtoPyETo is a Python library for calculating reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), sometimes referred to as potential evapotranspiration (PET). The library provides numerous functions for estimating missing meteorological data.
ImproverIMPROVER is a library of algorithms for meteorological post-processing and verification.
MetSimMetSim is a meteorological simulator and forcing disaggregator for hydrologic modeling and climate applications.
MELODISTMELODIST is an open-source toolbox written in Python for disaggregating daily meteorological time series to hourly time steps.
PyCatClimate Analysis Tool written in python
PyStepspySTEPS is a community-driven initiative for developing and maintaining an easy to use, modular, free and open source Python framework for short-term ensemble prediction systems.
EvaporationCalculation of evaporation and transpiration.
rainymotionPython library for radar-based precipitation nowcasting based on optical flow techniques.
pyetA python-package for calculating reference and potential evaporation.

Unsaturated Zone

Project NameDescription
Pytesmopython Toolbox for the Evaluation of Soil Moisture Observations.
PhydrusPython implementation of the HYDRUS-1D unsaturated zone model


Project NameDescription
FlopyThe Python interface to MODFLOW.
imod-pythonMake massive MODFLOW models.
IdfpyA simple module for reading and writing iMOD IDF files. IDF is a simple binary format used by the iMOD groundwater modelling software.
WellApplicationSet of tools for groundwater level and water chemistry analysis.
TIMMLA Multi-Layer, Analytic Element Model.
TTimA Multi-Layer, Transient, Analytic Element Model.
PyHELPA Python library for the assessment of spatially distributed groundwater recharge and hydrological components with HELP.
PyRechargeSpatially distributed groundwater recharge and depletion modeling framework in Python
AnaflowA python-package containing analytical solutions for the groundwater flow equation
WellTestPyA python-package for handling well based field campaigns.
HydroGeoSinesSignal In the Noise Exploration Software for Hydrogeological Datasets.

Time Series (Analysis)

Project NameDescription
HydropyAnalysis of hydrological oriented time series.
PastasAnalysis of hydrological time series using time series models.
HydrostatsTools for use in comparison studies, specifically for use in the field of hydrology.
htimeseriesThis module provides the HTimeseries class, which is a layer on top of pandas, offering a little more functionality.

GIS Related

Project NameDescription
PcRasterIs a collection of software targeted at the development and deployment of spatio-temporal environmental models.
PyGeoprocessinga Python/Cython based library that provides a set of commonly used raster, vector, and hydrological operations for GIS processing.
PyshedsSimple and fast watershed delineation in python.
LidarTerrain and hydrological analysis based on LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEM).

Optimization, Uncertainty, Statistics

Project NameDescription
LMFITNon-Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize.leastsq, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting.
SPOTpyA Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool for Python.
PyGLUEGeneralised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) Framework.
Pyemupython modules for model-independent uncertainty analyses, data-worth analyses, and interfacing with PEST(++).
HPGLHigh Performance Geostatistics Library.
HydroErrGoodness of Fit metrics for use in comparison studies, specifically in the field of hydrology.
Climate-indicesClimate indices for drought monitoring, community reference implementations in Python.
HydroLMThe HydroLM package contains a class and functions for automating linear regressions OLS for hydrologists.
PySDIpysdi is a set of open source scripts that compute non-parametric standardized drought indices (SDI) using raster data sets as input data.
xskillscoreMetrics for verifying forecasts.

Data Collection

Project NameDescription
HKVFEWSPYConnection to the Delft FEWS servers
OpenradarLibrary for processing a set of dutch, german and belgian precipitation radars into calibrated composites.
EcohydrolibLibraries and command-line scripts for performing ecohydrology data preparation workflows.
Ulmoclean, simple and fast access to public hydrology and climatology data.
PyHISPyHIS is a python library for querying CUAHSI*-HIS** web services
WetterdienstPython Toolset For Accessing Weather Data From German Weather Service
Dataretrievaldataretrieval is a Python package for obtaining USGS or EPA water quality data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services.


Project NameDescription
ESMPYEarth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) Python interface
PyHSPFPython extensions to the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF).
PYWRspatial allocation tool
SPHYSpatial Processes in HYdrology (SPHY) model
xsboringen(In Dutch) A python library for processing and plotting borehole and CPT data, developed for open data formats in the Netherlands.
PyMTPyMT is an Open Source Python package that provides the necessary tools used for the coupling of models that expose the Basic Model Interface (BMI).
LandlabThe Landlab project creates an environment in which scientists can build a numerical landscape model without having to code all of the individual components.
EFlowCalcCalculator of Streamflow Characteristics.
IRISA powerful, format-agnostic, and community-driven Python library for analysing and visualising Earth science data.
HydrointerpA Python package for interpolating hydrologic data.
EFlowCalcEFlowCalc is an open-source calculator of ecological streamflow characteristics in Python.
HydrofunctionsA suite of convenience functions for working with hydrology data in an interactive Python session.
ShyftShyft is the open-source toolbox for the energy-market domain, funded and supported by Statkraft.
HydroshareHydroShare is a collaborative website for better access to data and models in the hydrologic sciences.
Hydroboxhydrological preprocessing and analysis toolbox build upon pandas and numpy
Wetlandwetland is a toolset for mapping surface water and wetland hydrological dynamics using fine-resolution aerial imagery within Google Earth Engine (GEE).
iRONSiRONS (interactive Reservoir Operation Notebooks and Software) is a python package that enables the simulation, forecasting and optimisation of reservoir systems.
Tổng hợp các Python packages trong thủy văn Tổng hợp các Python packages trong thủy văn Reviewed by VinhHD on 15:14 Rating: 5

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